Set-up of Green Wallet for RDDL network

The RDDL Network utilizes the Liquid Network, from Blockstream, for issuing tokens. In order to hold RDDL tokens, a user needs to use the Green Wallet from Blockstream.

The steps shown in this guide will work for Bitcoin, Liquid, and Testnet wallets.

Instructions for Mobile

Open Blockstream Green, tap Add Wallet, after reading and agreeing to the Terms of Service, then select New Wallet.

Write down your recovery phrase with a pen and paper. The recovery phrase functions as a backup for your Bitcoin wallet.

NOTE: Keep it somewhere safe: Don't lose it - if your device gets lost or stolen, you forget your PIN (or your PIN gets reset), then you will need your recovery phrase to regain access to your wallet.

Keep it somewhere secret: Anyone with access to your recovery phrase can steal your funds, so also make sure no one else finds it.

You may use Multisig Shield to mitigate this risk.Never send it over email or text to anyone: Blockstream Green support will never ask for your recovery phrase and anyone that does request it should be immediately reported to Blockstream Support.

Never save it on an internet-connected device: For instance, saving the recovery phrase on a mobile notepad leaves the recovery phrase open to attack. Yes, that means no screenshots too!The recovery phrase is your ultimate backup.

To ensure that you safely and accurately recorded your recovery phrase, re-enter a selection of your recovery phrase words as requested.

Choose a PIN for your wallet. This is a 6-digit number that secures your funds - only on this device. If you ever forget your PIN, you will need to restore your Bitcoin wallet using your recovery phrase.

Next, proceed to Create Account and choose your security policy by selecting either Standard or 2FA Protected. Later you can create more accounts if you want to increase the security of your funds.

Which account security policy should I choose?

  • Standard

  • Instant

  • 2FA Protected

Explanation here

Optional (Only applies to 2FA Protected accounts)

  1. Set up a two-factor authentication (2FA) method to add a second layer of security to your wallet. Select the shield warning icon on the account card, and continue to Setup 2FA.
    Once 2FA is enabled, you will need to approve each transaction you send by inputting a code provided to you by email, SMS, phone call, or an OTP app (e.g. Google Authenticator).

    Critical recommendations:
    Set up two different 2FA methods: If you lose access to one of your 2FA methods, you will still be able to access your wallet with the secondary method.If possible, ensure your 2FA will only be received on a separate device: 2FA is most secure when it is not received on the device where your wallet is installed.Don't use a throw-away email address: Without a secondary 2FA method, you lose access to your wallet if you lose access to your email.If using an OTP app (e.g. Google Authenticator), backup the secret seed: You will need this to restore your 2FA on a new device if you ever lose or break your current one.

Great! Your wallet is now
all set up and you're ready
to start receiving and 
sending transactions!